Sutras of a Winesoaked Buddha

Dispatches from the Rucksack Revolution

Friday, March 03, 2006

Master of the Universe

So I realize that most of my posts are Japancentric. Most of my friends stop listening when I start a sentence with, "in Japan...", so this post is a nonJapancentric one. I'm reading a book on mythic archytpes in society by Joseph Campbell and it's quite interesting. Concurrently, like all twentysomethingish males, I'm trying to decide which of the many paths of manhood I'd like to follow. So I figured I start a series of possible successful paths that we can take.The key word in that last sentense was successful, not necesarily financial successful, but successful

Master of the Universe
“My offer to you is this Senator: nothing”. These are words that only a true MoE could utter. He is the puppet master of lore. Keyser Soze, John Bolton, big-dick style. He’s takes no prisoners, he plays to win. Legality is a PR problem. A finger in every pot, and a lawyer for every hurdle. He starts wars and sees no need to end them. Big screen TVs? Ha!! TVs are for Chumps. The MoU owns the networks. He’s either pretty as a Easton Ellis character or a double-chinned Karl Rove caricature. The ego is the same. If a group doesn’t make them more powerful, fuck ‘em, move on, then sell weapons to their enemies. Thankfully few people are smart or ruthless enough to become MoUs on the big scale. Yet every village has a class clown, and every junior high has its tribal leader. The MoU is different from the Steve Jobs nerd-with-market-share archetype. The MoU and supernerd are both ruthless, but the Mou isn't nearly creative enough to think outside of the fight-or-fuck mentality. No No No No the MoU is concerned solely in his own immediate benefit. His funural is the bonfire of the vainities.

Level of Bad-ass-itude
Super high. With lawyers or a .50 caliber machine gun, either way he’s armed and dangerous. He’s the badass that Makes (yeah capital M) a street hood into an untouchable.

The Middle East, the Luftwaffe.

London tailored power suits. Shoes that are ‘by’ someone whose last name ends in a vowel.


Either dumb wannabe chickenheads that drink coke with champagne, or cold women that went to Radcliff and don’t like being touched.

Nazi gold.

The IRS. Senate probes, International Criminal Court, having really really bad karma.

Vacation time
Monte Carlo casinos, upping the stakes to outrageous levels cause he's undeniably addicted to gambling even though he doesn’t need the money.

Big full-bodied Cabernet Sovereigns PVs that only he can get cause he's a friend of the Rothschild’s. And coke lots of coke.

Power politics, he doesn’t care about kitchen table issues like universal healthcare, ‘cause he's on the board of Pfizer. Actually he is Pfizer.

He is his religion. He is the Godhead, and his dick has a name, and it's Thor.

Whoever can get him what he wants when he wants it, and absolutely anyone with a last name.


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