Sutras of a Winesoaked Buddha

Dispatches from the Rucksack Revolution

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Biologically Successful Chump

So I realize that most of my posts are Japancentric. Most of my friends stop listening when I start a sentence with, "in Japan...", so this post is a nonJapancentric one. I'm reading a book on mythic archytpes in society by Joseph Campbell and it's quite interesting. Concurrently, like all twentysomethingish males, I'm trying to decide which of the many paths of manhood I'd like to follow. So I figured I start a series of possible successful paths that we can take.The key word in that last sentense was successful, not necesarily financial successful, but successful. So this is the first one. Unfortuanatly and deceivingly, this is the most likely:

The Biologically Successful Chump.
Last night I watch some early 90s family crap movie with John Travolta, Christie Ally, some kids, and two talking dogs. The plot was innane but there were some themes that I found quite interessting. I missed the beginning of the movie, but I guess the Travolta charactor was a bit of a rebel. I'm not sure if he was like Bob Marley rebel, drug bloated phychopath rebel, but I'm guessing he was more long hair tennis player rebel. But I guess he was at some point a bit of a nutter. So Kristie Ally apparently "tames" him. Soon thereafter he's got a morgage and normal kids and dogs (that talk) and shit, and other (rich and hot) women start chaising after him. He is the symbol of the domesticated man, boring, groomed, and wearing a suit and able to tango like it's nobodys buisness. He has a decent job, but he's not a master of the universe or anythng. He is our first archytype. A man, once somewhat respectable in the eyes of the cool, married to a honest but somewhat frompy Chritie Ally thinking he's cool cause he can pull of wearing a blue fucking sport coat. Regardless of how much you were able to drink in college, what drugs you once did, or what motorcycle you drove, you are in the eyes of the society a chump.

Level of Bad-ass-itude
Very low. But he does have kids that will be well adjusted, and will be able to go too college. You are just like everyone else, you fit in, and your concerns are normal, and dreadfully boring.

Not many. Likely a big TV that you waste years in front of, watching network drivel. You probably have a hobby, maybe it's a cool hobby like surfing or snowboarding, but it's more likely gardening. When you’re kids are gone, you’re wife will let you get something cool like an RV, but by then you’re a defeated man.

Newish , ‘cause your wife picks them out for you. You don’t really like them, but fuck it. At home you wear what you like, but when you go outside you don’t get to dress yourself. Oh and you have the blue sport coat that you pull off.

Anything with 4 doors and no turbo. Maybe if your lucky a BMW or something when your 50.

Your chick is your wife. That’s it. She’s whatever ethnicity you are, and she loves you dearly, you’ve forged a spiritual bond and you are the envy of every newly wed. Your sex life isn’t great, but at least its regular. Your wife, once really hot, is now a maternal figure. But she cooks. And at some point that’s all you really want.

Enough to raise a family, little else.

Mortgage, kids soccer practice, work is boring.

You live in the subburbs of (chose any American city)

Vacation time
Station wagon trips with the kids. You look just like every other loud shirted family man on the open road since 1952. Once a year you meet up with the boys from college for a party weekend, on a lake or something.

Beer with the boys, wine at dinner and church. That’s it.

Not that important to you, but you always vote. Depending on how much you make you are either a Democrat or Republican.

On Sunday you go to some church. You are a guy in the pews, and your wife loves the social aspect. You are not a spacey mystic and you don't want to be.

Guys like you!! Family men. Chumps. Pretty much everyone is like you. Also you aren’t allowed any female friends whatsoever.


Blogger Benjamin G. said...

That gives me the fear.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Bunny said...

That is utterly and horribly depressing. Don't be that guy, Max.

2:09 PM  

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